resources helping our users.

Please note that some resources are currently unavailable until the migration is complete.
We may also elect to remove or add additional resources so please check this page when it doubt.

Manage Domains (Webmin) – Access is granted to domain owners only.

Web Mail (Usermin) – Check your email here.

Web Mail (Squirrel Mail) ¹

Web Mail (Roundcubemail) – Check your email here.

File Manager ¹

phpMyAdmin ¹

Support Site (Perldesk) ¹

¹ Not available currently.

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about us LLC was founded on April 16 2002, by two men who were tired of letting other people and companies control their voices and content. We have spent a lot of time making the server a enjoyable and powerful experience for all of our users and friends.

We at LLC strive to make your projects become exactly what you envision. We believe in standard compliancy and WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get). Every site we manage we attempt to assist the maintainers on using the best coding practices. At times we will even do maintenance coding and audits for free or a very reduced cost.

Thanks to our dedicated adminstration and development teams we usually have an exceptional uptime. Our standard response rate for client issues is also less than 8 hours. Our server is on a dedicated connection with diesel generators, battery backups, and multiple back bone connections.

If you are interested in more information please feel free to contact us.
Don’t forget to review the hosting plans.

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